Don’t Let The Government Dictate What’s Fair
Fair. It’s one of the most debated words in the political lexicon, and one that can be used as a euphemism to dupe unsuspecting listeners into supporting policies that hurt. Case in…
Idaho lawmakers: Enroll in Budgeting 101
I’m taking up a collection. We need to send Idaho lawmakers to school. I’m not talking about college, but rather Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University, which teaches wise fiscal management. I suggest…
The Freedom Cycle
Alexander Tytler was a Scottish historian who lived during our country’s founding. Tytler identified the sequences of the “Freedom Cycle” as follows: A society starts in bondage; from bondage it moves to…
What’s Happening To The Democratic Party?
Unless you live in a cave without access to news, you have probably noticed the Democratic Party has morphed into the contradiction in terms known as the “Democratic Socialist” Party. Long gone…
Post Register Half-Truths Continue
A friend of mine went fishing and didn’t catch a thing. When his buddies asked how he did, he responded, “I didn’t catch anything less than 12 inches.” My friend’s response was…
A Supermajority Has Spoken
Mark: Hey, Bryan, did you hear the Idaho Falls City Council is considering eliminating city council run-off elections? Bryan: It doesn’t surprise me. Once politicians are in office, they want to be…