
Labrador: Right man, right time

This past weekend, I had the opportunity to attend the state GOP summer meeting where we elected a new state party chair. Together with 110 other voting members, I was honored to cast my vote for Raul Labrador. I’m also happy to announce Labrador won the razor-close contest by only two votes. Bonneville County Republican Party leadership cast five votes for Labrador effectively securing his victory. We chose wisely because Labrador is the right man at the right time.

Labrador is the right man for the job because he has unique experience in both state and federal governments. He served as a state representative for four years and as one of Idaho’s congressmen for eight years. Labrador’s local and national credibility is an asset that will benefit Idaho at the highest levels.

A proven conservative fighter, Labrador has a strong record of supporting and fighting for GOP principles, its platform and its candidates. Labrador is willing to stand up to the media and the elites during this next campaign cycle in Idaho which will include President Trump’s reelection.

Labrador is the right man for the job because of his philosophy on leadership. He truly understands that the Republican Party must unite different groups who hold strong opinions on our common passions. Labrador is committed to maintaining a strong party that will cohesively strategize, plan and execute a vision based on our common goals.

The Republican Party must empower individual members to build the organization at the grassroots level and secure funding needed for success in precincts, cities, counties and legislative districts.

I know Labrador will require that the party serve its members, not that its members serve the party or its chair.

Now is the right time for Labrador as party chair. Our nation faces 23 radical Democratic presidential candidates who all call for the implementation of socialist policies that threaten to destroy our families and the very fabric of our nation and state. The Idaho Democratic Party will push its liberal agenda as hard as possible. It will continue to demand economically ruinous policies of free healthcare, free college and free housing, none of which is free. The left will also continue to claim the killing of unborn babies as a right or a justice while protecting violent illegal aliens from deportation. We must fight this false vision of America.

In stark contrast, Labrador supports the protection of the unborn and securing the border. Labrador unapologetically supported President Trump when he ran for office and strongly supports President Trump’s reelection. The swamp did not change Labrador; the swamp did not destroy him. To the contrary, his fight against the D.C. swamp prepared Labrador for party leadership here at home at this important time. We can expect that Labrador will continue to advocate for conservative principles to ensure Republicans increase our numbers in state offices and that he will not be a passive figurehead who allows the party to drift from its conservative platform roots.