Bryan Smith for Idaho

  • Don’t Let The Government Dictate What’s Fair
    Don’t Let The Government Dictate What’s Fair

    Fair. It’s one of the most debated words in the political lexicon, and one that can be used as a euphemism to dupe unsuspecting listeners into supporting policies that hurt. Case in…

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  • Idaho lawmakers: Enroll in Budgeting 101
    Idaho lawmakers: Enroll in Budgeting 101

    I’m taking up a collection. We need to send Idaho lawmakers to school. I’m not talking about college, but rather Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University, which teaches wise fiscal management. I suggest…

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  • The Freedom Cycle
    The Freedom Cycle

    Alexander Tytler was a Scottish historian who lived during our country’s founding. Tytler identified the sequences of the “Freedom Cycle” as follows: A society starts in bondage; from bondage it moves to…

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  • What’s Happening To The Democratic Party?
    What’s Happening To The Democratic Party?

    Unless you live in a cave without access to news, you have probably noticed the Democratic Party has morphed into the contradiction in terms known as the “Democratic Socialist” Party. Long gone…

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  • Post Register Half-Truths Continue
    Post Register Half-Truths Continue

    A friend of mine went fishing and didn’t catch a thing. When his buddies asked how he did, he responded, “I didn’t catch anything less than 12 inches.” My friend’s response was…

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  • A Supermajority Has Spoken
    A Supermajority Has Spoken

    Mark: Hey, Bryan, did you hear the Idaho Falls City Council is considering eliminating city council run-off elections? Bryan: It doesn’t surprise me. Once politicians are in office, they want to be…

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