Bryan Smith for Idaho

  • Idaho Officials At All Levels Must Work To Reduce Property Taxes
    Idaho Officials At All Levels Must Work To Reduce Property Taxes

    Idahoans are crying for help, and it’s imperative that all government officials — from lawmakers in the Statehouse to the mosquito abatement district administrator — look for solutions to ease property tax…

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  • Conservatives Want To Increase Access To College For All
    Conservatives Want To Increase Access To College For All

    Since state Rep. Barb Ehardt, R-Idaho Falls, first criticized Boise State University’s spending on radical social justice programs, the left has tried to paint conservatives as knuckle-dragging Neanderthals, sexists, and racists. Misguided…

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  • Don’t Trust Government to Teach Your Kids
    Don’t Trust Government to Teach Your Kids

    Test results are out and, again, things aren’t wonderful in Idaho schools. In fact, recent data points are downright concerning to those paying attention. Recently, the state released results from last school…

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  • Separation of Powers Is Still A Good Idea
    Separation of Powers Is Still A Good Idea

    The idea of “separation of powers” is expressly mentioned in Article II, section 1, of the Idaho Constitution. It states that “persons in one branch shall not exercise any authority belonging to…

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  • The Initiative Process Needs Restrictions
    The Initiative Process Needs Restrictions

    The Post Register’s Editorial Board recently invited people to “defend their” right to propose and vote on legislation through Idaho’s initiative process. The Board expressed concern the legislature will usurp the initiative…

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  • Labrador: Right man, right time
    Labrador: Right man, right time

    This past weekend, I had the opportunity to attend the state GOP summer meeting where we elected a new state party chair. Together with 110 other voting members, I was honored to…

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