It has been said that Congress has become a care facility for aging lawmakers and elderly millionaires. What should we do about this?

It has been said that Congress has become a care facility for aging lawmakers and elderly millionaires. What should we do about this?
For over twenty long years, Simpson has been in Washington where he’s voted for amnesty for illegals, massive spending increases, bigger government, and gun control. And now he’s joined radical environmentalists to destroy four dams on the lower Snake River. Simpson has declared war on Idaho’s farmers and ranchers who grow the crops that feed […]
In response to Congressman Simpson’s proposal to breach four hydroelectric dams on the lower Snake River, I wrote an article last month entitled, “Congressman Simpson Should Put Idaho First and Do No Harm.” The article named players who oppose Simpson’s plan including, Governor Brad Little, United States Senators Jim Risch and Mike Crapo, Representative Russ […]
The expression “first do no harm” is a popular phrase often attributed to the Hippocratic oath taken by doctors. The idea is that it may be better to do nothing rather than intervening and causing more harm than good. The Hippocratic oath taken by dentists includes a similar promise to do no intentional harm to […]