
Poll: Is it time for lawmakers to end social justice indoctrination on our college campuses?

In a recent article for the Post Register, my good friend Doyle Beck wrote, “As parents and grandparents, we’re tired of raising good conservative young men and women, sending them off to college only to have them return home as devoted Marxists and socialists.”

He concluded the article by saying, “I believe that the fight over Idaho’s higher education system is important not only for Idahoans but for the entire country. If our state Legislature becomes the first in the country to put the brakes on college systems being used to indoctrinate the next generation of Americans, maybe other states will follow suit. Maybe, just maybe, we will actually provide the solutions and the wherewithal to save our country from its own demise. I’m counting on state lawmakers to do the right thing, to once and for all send the left packing.”

What do you think? Is it time for Idaho lawmakers to end social justice indoctrination on our college campuses?

Is it time for lawmakers to end social justice indoctrination on our college campuses?

One reply on “Poll: Is it time for lawmakers to end social justice indoctrination on our college campuses?”

As a mother of a BSU student I want to know where education went? From some of the classes my daughter is taking it appears to be more indoctrination than education! As a public / government funded university I think it’s time we the tax payers get a say on who the university hires as faculty. And monitor what they are teaching.

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