Bryan Smith for Idaho

  • Smith chooses a free Idaho
    Smith chooses a free Idaho

    The Post Register says the Idaho Freedom Foundation board of directors, of which I’m a member, has a decision to make whether to fire IFF staff and leadership. Some decisions are hard;…

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  • And the winners are . . .
    And the winners are . . .

    Mark: It’s time to make our primary election “BARF” and “CRUD” awards identifying candidates pretending to run as republican in the republican primary. Doyle: “BARF” stands for “Bummer, Another Republican Fake,” liberals…

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  • Time for a new approach
    Time for a new approach

    I once worked as a salesman for a men’s store. One summer day, we received a shipment of sheepskin coats shipped to Nampa, Idaho from Phoenix, Arizona. I recognized these coats as…

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  • Utah debacle shows grocery tax’s unpopularity
    Utah debacle shows grocery tax’s unpopularity

    Utah legislators recently learned an important lesson: People don’t like tax hikes on their milk, cheese, bacon and butter. Idaho lawmakers should learn from Utah’s experience. I fear they won’t. Allow me…

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  • Local Republicans best in state
    Local Republicans best in state

    One of the important purposes of the State Republican Winter Meeting held in Boise this month was to recognize those from throughout the state who are outstanding in their public service. Nominations…

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  • A 2020 resolution: more liberty-oriented partisanship
    A 2020 resolution: more liberty-oriented partisanship

    As I look to 2020, I can see a great 12 months that could further cement Idaho’s status as the freest, most liberty-loving state in the union. To arrive there, though, we…

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